
Does Kurt Cobain's daughter listen to pop music..?

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I read somewhere that Frances Bean Cobain listens to pop music. And, idk if it's true or not, that she likes High School Musical. Does anyone know if it's true? I'm just wondering...

I think it's a bit disappointing if she likes Disney Channel music, and her dad was one of the best rock stars in history.




  1. I heard that she listened to pop music.  I don't know about Disney Channel stuff but I heard that she likes Mariah Carey and stuff like that.  But I also heard that she likes Nirvana.

  2. Well, it kind of depends on your definition of pop. Kurt Cobain described pop, as anything simple and catchy. He considered Black Sabbath as a type of pop music and even said that Nirvana's music was pop, to some extent. If Frances Bean does listen to pop, it may not be what you think. : )

  3. You know, I don't know. But I do know that she's pretty smart. Like, a while ago, the media was like obsessed with her because of her parents. But then Frances issued a statment which told them that she hadn't done anything worthwhile in her life, to be scrutinized by the media, so they shouldn't be interested in her yet.  

  4. but he wasnt one of the best rockstars in history

    EDIT: ooooo tough words giant

    giant space and i qoute from your profile

    "I am pretty much Anti Mainstream Modern Music."

    half the bands you mentioned are modern mainstream...........

    P.S jump off the mainstream bandwagon if you dont know what mainstream actually is

    EDIT: can you please qoute where i said i dont like him?

  5. she  prb like s the Foo  Fighters

  6. Who gives a ****?

  7. I think she does, I mean every child these days likes all of that stuff. I personally don't. That would be such a shame if she does. WOW

  8. Wow, I hope she doesn't. I do not know if she does. But if it's true, I just died a little inside. Lets atleast hope she doesn't listen to that or emo c**p.

    Oh, I editted, I am also anti-Jonas, but I hate MCR lol.

  9. Yeah I wouldn't be surprise. But its really sad if she does. To think somebody like Kurt Cobain was her father and she listens to MCR.... ugh I shudder to think of it. If she does maybe its just because she grew up around it... maybe she thinks disney and emo is exotic you know? Lets just pray if she does Courtney, Dave, and Krist will all hold an intervention for her.

    @ Nintendo: another elitist musical b*****d.

    Edit. Nirvana was alternative, so was alice in chains and all the grunge bands, not to mention other 90s alt rock bands and for a while in the 90s Alternative WAS the mainstream..... besides when I say modern I am reffering to music 1998 and after. But hey its not my fault if you cant understand that Kurt Cobain changed music and without him you wouldn't have many of the bands you listen to.

    edit: I assume you dislike him because... well most people either love him or hate him.

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