
Does L.A. really need the NFL anymore?

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I know LA had the Rams and the Raiders, but come on, they have an improving UCLA team, and now once again a Number one in the nation USC team. Anybody in LA feel like they need the NFL?




  1. No, the players would get shot by gangs anyways.

    No, I live in Massachussetts, and sorry that we don't have hundreds of people walking around the streets at night with guns...

    lol I love the word "usually" you only get mugged once in a while, not daily...

    I'm not a Vols fan, I like Boston College, I just don't have that extreme hate for the SEC like everyone else does.  And Bostons saying caaw instead of car, is much better than being worried everytime you leave your house at night...just my opinion I may be wrong...

    Wow you making fun of the way I talk is just devastating to my self do you come up with these insults?

  2. More like the NFL doesn't need L.A.

  3. LA doesn't deserve a team.  If they bothered to support their teams they would still have one.  Don't forget the Chargers.  They started out in LA also.

    LA doesn't have anything close to a NFL stadium either.

  4. uhm excuse me last time i check the Rams was in st louis not LA. LA has the chargers, the raiders the 49ers. okkkk

  5. The Saints will be in LA ,2011

  6. they have Kobe!!!!!

  7. I live in LA and I hate the Rams and the Raiders, and having a good College team ain't cutting it for me. I want an NFL Expansion Team, not the Saints or the Chargers. I want a brand new team in LA

    edit: Patsfan sounds like a idiot. "Shot by gangstas" how the h**l does he know? He prolly lives in Tenessee or something like that. Gangstas don't usually just come up to you randomly and start sh*t with you unless you somehow offend them.

    edit: Hahaha riiiight....whats a Tennesse Vols fan doing in Massachussets anyways? Yea well at least we know how to talk right here in California unlike you "Bawston" people going to "Fenway Pawwk"

    edit: Oh wow Patsfan your hilarious with your gang jokes, please tell me another one. Haha anyways if you even pay attention to the news, Gang infested areas are only the big cities with a high population of Blacks and Latinos like East LA, South Central LA, Long Beach/Compton etc. But most places in LA are really safe especially where I live its majority Caucasians. Besides stop actin like theres no muggas in Bawston, I'm pretty sure everywhere you go theres at least some sort of gang and gangbangers, or as you guys like to say "Gangbangaas"

    edit: I don't know man, i just can't help not to make fun of your annyoing accent. Just like how ignorant douches like yourself stereotype us as "Thugs" and Gangbangers.

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