
Does LAX offer red eye flights?

by Guest66783  |  earlier

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or any other SoCal airports




  1. Yes. I've flown red eye out of LAX most of the time.

  2. ya i've flown out of LAX on a red eye lots of times

  3. Yes, Delta has a red-eye flight to Atlanta.  I have taken a red-eye flight on United out of San Diego to Chicago.  Also I think JetBlue has red-eye flights out of Southern Cal (JetBlue does not fly into LAX) to New York City.

  4. Don't all airports offer red eye flights??  I'm pretty sure that all the major ones would.  You would need to search for specific flights to where you're trying to go to see if they offer them for THAT specific location.


    Just check the airport website above to find red eye flights to your destination.  It will give you all of the flights out of LAX, so if there are red eye flights, you will see them.  Good Luck!

  6. Every Airport has red eye flights?

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