
Does Labour have a hold over Murdoch

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The Sun is so far up the backside of Gordon Brown and Labour it makes me sick.

At a time when it's most obvious the public has turned against Labour, The Sun are still supporting them.

What has happened? Has Murdoch lost his balls? Is he scared to go against New Labour?

Has anyone else noticed no matter what c*ck up the government makes, The Sun never REALLY lashes against Labour?




  1. If you dont like it you can always buy another paper...and its unlikely that any UK politician would have a hold over an Australian

  2. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Someone complaining that Rupert Murdoch is not right wing enough for him!  F*ck's sake!  You Tories are on another planet.

    No,pal, I'm not a k**b.  Grow up a bit.  I don't like everything Brown does and I liked even less of what Blair did, but I liked absolutely nothing the tories did and I've read enough of The Sun to know that it's a viciously right-wing newspaper.  If it's not attacking Brown enough for your liking you must want blood or something.  Try the Daily Mail.  They think he's the antichrist.

  3. One hand washes the other, M.

  4. It is more the other way round.

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