
Does Laetrile {Vitamin B17} cure cancer?

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They {allopathic medicine} have copied the way laetrile works to make a synthetic drug that does the exact same thing.




  1. No.

    There are 100's of dead people who got laetrile from quack Mexican "cancer" clinics that can attest it doesnt' work.  Oops, not they can't, they're dead.

  2. Some say it surely does.  Edgar Casey said we could prevent cancer by eating 2-3 raw almonds every day.  

    Check out the book World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17, by Edward Griffin.

  3. I did quite a bit of research on this and found quite a few 'multi institutional, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials' that showed no effect of B 17 on tumor size or virocity.  Honestly, the most promising results for tumor reduction, in the CAM (complimentary and alternative medicine) arena IMHO, would be Ph therapy, ie Cesium it with cancer, and Hydrazine Sulphate, google it too...hope it helps...good luck, God Bless

  4. This is normal. For years they will be treating us like the mushrooms (kept in dark, fed a horses**t how dangerous is B17) and than Eureka: a new miracle drug is born and developed by our great pharma with the cost of 500.000.000 dollars- pay for the cost now people. Lucky, some of us were born with a brain.

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