
Does Leisel Jones have the worst name in the world?

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Were her parents hippies or something? What the heck kind of name is "Leisel"? Also, that poor girl is ugly as sin. She needs a tan. That's all I have to say.




  1. Hater?

  2. Lethal Leisel Jones, sounds ok to me.

  3. That New Zealand girl holds that record, Tallulah Does The Hula, how's that for a name.

    I always thought Leisel is a pretty name, like the girl from The Sound of Music.

  4. Wow. Really.

    I would consider names like Moon Unit the worst in the world.  Leisel is, I believe, actually a common name in Germany/Austria. You are, perhaps, part of the reason the world hates America. I'm glad I'm not part of the group apparently determined to destroy the reputation of our great nation.

    Edit: Wow.... I'm not married, and your sad attempts at insults show just what I mean.

  5. What about that one guy named d**k Pound?

  6. Wow...harsh! I'll bet she could kill you in a swimming race!!!

  7. ummmmmmmm

    u r a girl right?

    well i think you are jealous.

    it is a cool name and she is actually quite good looking.

  8. Moonbeam and Inglebird are worse names

  9. What a petty person you are. Leisel at least is doing something other than sitting back judging others. It is YOU who is ugly..both inside and out.

  10. definitely not. i had a teacher whose last name was pronounced "sourwine."

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