
Does Lewis Hamilton have the Napolean Complex?

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Is that why he is so arrogant? To compensate for his small size and make him feel good about himself.




  1. he arogant because all the time hes lucky and wins how many f1 drives got to the best team as soon as they came in F1

    Alonso started wih miniardi which sucks and Raikkonen with sauber which wasnt good back then and schumacher with benneton and he turned it around

  2. He may be small, but he is going to be wielding a lot of power over the next few years

  3. I think Hamilton does have a Neapolitan complex. It obviously stems from the days when his father was known as "Whippy" Hamilton, the fastest ice-cream man that ever lived. Lewis, inspired by his father's antics tried to go one better and use racing cars as his ice-cream van. Eventually he realised he could never create a 99 cone with the same speed and dexterity as dad. In the end, Lewis just settled for F1 instead of keeping up the tradition of Hamilton's fastest ice-cream in the world.

    So what if he is arrogant? Do you think he'd be in F1 or even in a top team if when asked how he thought he'd do at a race he just said, "well, I don't think I can do that well. The other guy is world champ, he'll definitely beat me for a start."

    Micheal Schumacher was arrogant. It didn't do his career any harm though. I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of F1 world champs who ever lived had similar personality traits.

  4. no - he is just an arrogant prick

  5. once again I will say reserve judgement unless you have actually met him. I have and I don't think he is arrogant at all

    SFM, if you are referring to the girl at Monaco, she's not a model, she's the lead singer of the pussycat dolls Nicole Scherzinger

  6. I thought they were calling it the Napolean/Sarkozy complex now. Lewis is dating a supermodel now isn't he?

    Anyway lewis isn't that small, hes only one or two inches shorter than Kimi Raikkonen (5ft 9). He doesn't seem to be arrogant in person, but the british media (its my own country so I can insult the media) love to compare him to the legends creating all of this hype about him. It gets on my nerves a bit actually.

    Theres only a few drivers over 6ft, I think Buttons one and Webbers the other.

  7. yes he does and he had it way before he became a f1 driver. you know how the saying goes "like father like son". both of them need to taste some humble pie.

  8. Hamilton is enjoying great success right now.

    That's why he gets so many strong feelings from F1 fans.

    Some love him, some hate him, some like me just admire his talents but favor others.

    Your concerns are not touching him so stop torturing yourself.

    I'm sure you know your question is not about Hamilton, it's about your own frustrations.

    We all have them, but we try not to let them get the better of us.

    Don't let them get to you.

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