
Does Lifting / Soda Stunt Your Growth?

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I'm 5'4, age 16, and haven't really been through a growth spurt yet as far as I can tell. If it helps, I was 4'11 about four years ago when I was 12.

My question is, does lifting stunt your growth? Also, does drinking soda stunt your growth?

And what are some methods that could help speed me into my growth spurt or help me grow a bit taller going into or coming out of it?




  1. Be happy how you look now. There is nothing on this planet which WORKS which can be bought to make you grow taller. Eat protein for your bones strength. Nothing can stunt your growth - don't you think it would be all over the news if something could?

  2. i have no idea about soda. I never drink it. I don't think lifting weights stuns your growth because i have been lifting for for 1 and a half years now and im 6'2 and im 15 years old. There is nothing you can do to make you grow taller faster. Some people have early growth spurts (like me) and some people have late ones. You just a late spurt. Don't worry about it.  

  3. As far as im aware, neither have msuh effet on your growth. Has your voice broken yet, if so then your growth spurthas either already been or is on the horizon if it broke recently. and to tat teddy j guy if your expecting anyone to be impressed there not, thats fairly modest to say the least.  

  4. Try a grow taller hypnotherapy CD. Your body renews itself all the time and some people say you create your reality from what your believe in your subconscious. Other people might say that's nonsense, but you asked for my view.  

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