
Does Lipton instant ice tea mix contain a lot of caffeine in it?

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I know it has caffeine in it, but I'm trying to figure out how much a 22 oz glass of it would have compared to a 20 oz bottle of soda. I found out I should watch my caffeine intake not long after buying a huge tub of mix and I don't want to waste it! Thanks!




  1. Black tea, which is the tea used in iced teas, has 50mg of caffeine per serving. A serving is 8 ounces. So a 22 ounce glass will have just under 150mg of caffeine. Providing of course that there is no ice that takes up space thereby reducing the actual icetea volume in the glass.

    Sodas typically have between 30 - 50 mg of caffeine in them per serving. So a 20 ounce bottle that is 2.5 servings will have between 75 - 125 mg of caffeine.

    Other comparisons for caffeine content are below.

    Green tea: 30mg per serving

    Energy Drinks: 80mg per serving

    Coffee: 85 mg per serving

    The maximum safe amount of caffeine we should consume daily is 300mg.

  2. i believe the soda would have more caffeine

  3. tea itself has a lot of caffeine and i think more than soda

  4. coffee has more

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