
Does Lithium have an adverse effect on creativity?

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I have recently been diagnosed as bi-polar, and I've been doing some research. Lithium seems like a pretty decent choice of medicine to discuss with my psychiatrist.

However, I'm a writer. I'd rather not take Lithium if it's going to interfere with my creativity.

Any information?




  1. Some people complain of excessive sedation and dull thinking on lithium. However, bipolar disorder usually gives people a lot of energy and motivation so its hard to say if its treating the disease or a side effect of the medication. Lithium is a very nice option if you have a lot of classic manic episodes. It works less well if you are rapid cycling (more than 3 episodes a year), have mixed episodes (both mania and depression) or primarily depressed.

    If you are concerned about sedation, Lamictal is a good option. It is minimally sedating, works well for depression, and has little effect on body weight. It is associated with a rash and takes about 6 weeks to get to a good level. Abilify is a newer antipsychotic that most people find less sedating.

    Good luck!

  2. I was on it for a year, and quite honestly, i felt like i was a chunk of lead.  I didn't want to do anything, i didn't experience any emotion at all, and i would say that it squashed my creativity.

    I would express your concerns to your psych, because that will play a role in determining was medication would be best for you.

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