
Does Maradona play in Soccer Aid 2008?

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I saw the advertisement for this year Soccer Aid match (7 September 2008) saying Maradona plays in the match and for that reason I bought the tickets. But now surprisingly the official website does not have the name Maradona as a player and I am really frustrated as I just wasted my time. Does anyone else has the same problem?

Surprisingly, I can't find any evidence that Maradona was supposed to play in the match but I'm 100% sure Maradona was in the players' list.

If anyone has an evidence in the web saying Maradona was supposed to be in the match, I'd be grateful




  1. Diego Maradona is playing  

  2. yes Diego Maradona is playing

    Robbie Williams V Diego Maradona ... !!!!!!!!!

  3. Sorry to say, but it seems Maradona won't be in the line up of soccer aid 2008. Not sure what the reason is. It said Williams won't be there too due to knee issues.

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