
Does Mark Coleman stand a chance?

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Considering his last several performances in Pride + his age, I'd say Coleman is going to get smashed by Brock lesnar. I have much respect for the guy but he's getting a little too old and looks it. This will be Brock's stepping stone for fame in the UFC and I'm sure Dana White knows it!




  1. If that would happen in the future, it would be a great wrestling match...

    I dont see either of them staying away and striking to much if that fight would happen.

    They both have a great wrestling backgrounds, and that is what the fight would come down to.

  2. okay brock lesnar won a match against a very bad mma fighter. brock lesnar is not going to win s h i t. mark coleman is acually a good fighter and he will kill him.

  3. Coleman is not fighting Lesnar, he pulled out due to injury.

    Lesnar is fighting Heath Herring.

  4. Brock Lesnar is already famous, so he didn't need a "stepping stone". And Coleman is old, so Brock would have probably beat him. But as many have already pointed out, Coleman is out, Herring is in.


  5. well coleman got hurt but he is going to probably fight shogun

  6. Well.... he's not fighting Mark Coleman so.... yeah...

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