
Does Matron of honor have to attend rehearsal dinner?

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I'm Matron of honor at my sister's wedding and my boys are in the wedding too. My sister has decided NOT to include kids at the rehearsal dinner (informal pizza party). Do I need to attend if my kids aren't invited?




  1. I have a good friend who has not spoken to her daughter since her daughter's wedding.  She now has stage four ovarian cancer and still refuses to contact her daughter, despite her husband's appeals.  What I'm trying to say is this:  Go to the rehearsal dinner.  Arrange for a baby sitter for your boys, or maybe, if other children are in the same boat, they could all come to your house or another person's house and have their own little pizza party....For the sake of family harmony, honor your sister's wishes.  Weddings are so emotionally charged and it should be a happy and joyous occasion, not a time for finding reasons to start rifts that can evolve into bigger rifts and sometimes set the stage for a lifetime.  Don't question her.  She has her reasons, maybe even financial ones.  This is her time.  Just go along.  Be gracious.  You are the Matron of HONOR!!!!

  2. If your kids are in the wedding they should be allowed to attend the rehearsal dinner, especially an informal pizza party.  If it was me and my kids weren't invited I wouldn't go.

  3. Well, I would have said yes until you said unformal pizza party.  How Tacky, I could understand not having children at an elegant dinner but a pizza party?  I would say- if she can't have your kids there- then no, don't go.

  4. Informal pizza party not including kids?  boy your sister is a total snob.. no you don't have to go .. that party sounds pretty tacky for a rehearsal dinner anyways.

    The rehearsal dinner is always after the rehearsal so as long as you are there for that.. that is the important part.

  5. I'm a wedding planner and I have BEEN in 12 weddings.  Yes, 12.  Anyway... this is a bit odd.  Boys ARE in the wedding but uninvited to rehearsall dinner which is pizza... There is so much wrong etiquette wise here to make me spit up a litte.  I'm sure you've done this, but clarify that her nephews are included in the no kids rule.  If so, it's okay to make an appearance at therehearsall dinner and def the rehearsal, but after a bit, bid youradieuss and move on...  Excuse:  you've got kids you need to take care of and get ready for the wedding.  

    Not sure what sis is thinking... but yes, you do need to attend but it isn't necessary for you to stay a long time.    

  6. That's kind of rude of her.  I assume your boys are coming to the rehearsal.  It's rude to not invite people to the rehearsal dinner who came to the rehearsal.  I wouldn't attend if I were you.  Why aren't kids invited anyways?  Is she planning on having a keg party for her rehearsal dinner?

  7. Usually at a rehearsal dinner, everyone who is involved in the wedding is there. That way you can have a rehearsal of the wedding and everyone knows what they are supposed to do.

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