I really want Mattel to reproduce all there dolls with the boxes and all there clothes like a regular doll in stead of a collectors item.I want them to make all of my favorites like Tutti,Todd,and Chris.And whatever happened to Stacey Barbie's british pal?I know I'm young to have seen these dolls but,when my mom was young she played with them and she lost a lot of them in moving and when she grew up because her mother got rid of them and I remember we did'nt have alot of money when I was smaller and I had no dad around so I played with some of the barbies as girl friends to my G.I. joe's.I like to collect some of the dolls too.Are they going to make a new P.J. either or the origninal look to skipper?or Fluff and Tiff?I want to collect some for me and replace the ones my mom lost.Where could I go?does Mattel still make these?