
Does Mc cain really think that Hillary’s supporters will vote in droves for?

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for a gun-toting, anti-choice, creationist beauty queen ? Apparently John McCain is unaware that women don’t automatically vote for anyone who has a uterus.




  1. not in droves, but he hopes for enough of the real uneducated ones, like Republicans always do, to make a difference.

  2. She was picked to draw in the conservative vote first..any Hillary supporters that come on over are a welcome addition.

    Despite her being a woman and attractive..she is qualified to be vice president.

  3. The real question is does McCain think at all.  His supporters probably do.

  4. He's praying they will. Want to bet some do?

  5. Yep!

    All of my Hillary-supporting friends called me today to say they were finally on board with McCain.  His pick of Palin won them over.  : )

  6. He's quite delusional. And from some of the comments here so are a good number of his followers.

  7. Apparently he thinks so, or maybe he's just trying to lock in the reactionary evangelical vote.

  8. This is a slap in the face to Senator Hillary Clinton and her loyal supporters:

  9. Yes, this is how stupid he thinks the American people are.  It also shows his lack of concern for women.  He's using this beauty queen as a pawn.  She would have as much power in his administration as you or I would.  Like the wife he left when she needed him most, he could care less about a woman, except for what she can do for him, which is why he went on to marry Ms. Moneybags.  He's low down and I would not vote for him under any circumstances.    

  10. yes the old man thinks Hilary supporters will come out and vote for him in droves just because he picked someone with XX chromosomes. He thinks woman are that gullible.

  11. Does Obama really think that Blacks will vote for half-white elitist with no slave ancestry, no experience who just happens to look black? IT worked for him didn't it (well except for this young black lady here). McCain has it just right. It will work for McCain too.  

  12. What? I guess I lost you in your reasoning

    Sarah Palin is above just being a person with a uterus

    my how this reminds me of the garbage that Y! represents

    it makes me want to retch when I think of the condition of this forum

  13. Obviously you know nothing about elections. They don't have to support in "droves" elections are usually won or lost based on only a couple or few percentage points.

  14. The racist, gun-toting, anti-choice, religious fanatics is a very small percentage of the population and they voted for Hillary case shes a democrat first!

  15. We are not going after the die hard liberal Hillary voters, just the ones who were identifying with Hilliary that were independent voters. If you've forgot, independents are the ones who decide the election. If you look at what the situation reflects now, if you are an independent that was going to vote for Hilary and then got totally disrespected by Obama and now are on the fence, you can now vote McCain/Palin 08' and then see your nominee Hilary run in 2012 where if you vote for NoBama this time, it's over for Hilary for Pres.   Now you know why the Dem's are scared.

    McCain is a genius. Never underestimate a scorned woman!

  16. He could care less... it exposes Obama's lack of experience.

    Everyone is now trying to pove that Obama has more experience than a mom from Alaska.

    You guys just don't get it.

    The fact that Obama underpays his female staff workers compared to their male counterparts, doesn't hurt. Ditto that he picked Biden that had to drop out early when he couldn't even get 1% of the vote in Iowa, and Hillary almost kicked his butt. He's afraid of women and wants them to be in their place, but that isn't what McCain's pick was about... it was about exposing Obama's lack of real world experience. His only experience is "voting." And we all know that any third grader can vote all day long without experience. It is about running a country.

    Palin has owned two businesses, met payrolls, run a city and now running a state... Obama just voted. AND, she is 3 years younger than him. He doesn't look like such a gift to women now.

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