
Does McCain's VP choice rank right up there with Perot's choice of Stockdale??

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Does McCain's VP choice rank right up there with Perot's choice of Stockdale??




  1. Perot's candidacy was never a serious threat to either party - he could have picked Sponge Bob Square Pants for all the difference it would have made.

    McCain, on the other hand, is a serious contender and he picked a Washington outsider with executive experience - something Obama should have considered since he campaigned on a platform of "change" and then picked a Washington insider with only legislative experience. Where's the "change" in that?

  2. There goes the experience, celebrity and national security issues. It was a stupid pick

  3. Bad girl

  4. Yes it does. I wonder if Sarah will use the Stockdale line at her VP debate? "Who am I? What am I doing here?"

  5. I think perhaps it comes close. No one wants to admit the possibility that she could move into the presidency if something happens to McCain. It's quite a frightening thought.

  6. Much better choice..

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