
Does McCain's choice of Palin raise serious questions?

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About his vetting process, his decision making, his competence, and his judgement?




  1. Whatever the choice, there will be serious questions and it applies to both side in selection of the Vice.   It will be a publicity process for  attraction of attention from the public, the onlookers, the American citizen who has the vote.   If the supporters are not too happy with the pick, they just switch their votes over.

    There are pro & con to the pick of Palin and with the recent news of her daughter, doubt is on her family control effectiveness, so how in the position she will be in after election.  

  2. ah ha , finally i see someone mention Obama and his TERRORIST  best friend who is now in prison , there is some judgment for ya , as far as the girl being pregnant , well obama isnt the one pushing this issue , at least publicly , i'd hate to find out he was pushing it in a two faced mannor . And for Palin , so many of you are running her in the ground , funny thing is none of you even heard of her until this week lmao , and now your all experts on her qualifications , the only thing i see is this , if its found she used her political power to gave the  ex brother inlaw fired , then by all means prosicute her , but until then and until we all know exactly who and what she is , stop persicuting her !

  3. Not really, all vp's are picked for ability to bring in votes.  You should give her a chance, since she had the same experience that Bill Clinton had when we won (by only 44% of the vote)  What's more important is judgment, every good president will surround themselves with really competant people.  Because Obama is ranked as the #1 liberal in Congress I question the people he would chose since they do not represent the majority of more moderate people in this country.  McCain is trying to send a message of reform and God knows Congress and our bloated govt need major reforming.  I do't think we can accomplish any of our goals without trying to reform outlandish spending, throwing money at progrmas that don't work and all the ear marks.  

  4. Americans choice of McCain and Bush raises serious questions. What in the world is wrong with you people? Enjoying the $4.00 in gas?

  5. Yes it shows he can make a good one.

  6. I think it may.  He picked a governor with only 2 years of experience.  Granted, she may be a maverick but did he look much past that?  Right now according to news reports it sounds like he has his legal guys rushing all over the place trying to cover up a potential blunder.

    At least Obama knew with Biden, a seasoned congressman, that with the number of years that Biden has been in office, everything that he has done has already been out in the public for a long time so there is much less of a chance of the pick blowing up in your face.

    According to news reports, McCain had only met Palin twice.  The first time he met her was to interview her for the job, the second time was to give her the job.  I'd think with a pick as important as a presidential running mate that you'd want to talk to the person at least three to four times and make sure you didn't miss anything or that your first impression of the person wasn't wrong.

    To me, his pick seems a lot like a George Bush Jr. decision, rush into it and have your mind already made up then deal with the consequences afterwards.

    I have to respect the stances she made against corruption in the state of Alaska, and it is nice that she is a women.  But I'm wondering if McCain looked all that much further than that.  It looks like he's trying to go after the Hillary votes, but at what cost when picking a running mate that has little experience just like Dan Quayle did.

  7. Yes! When we make bad choices, we must deal with the consequences!!

  8. It is more like an answers to all your legitimate questions.

    McCain is clearly  delusional and definitely is falling apart mentally and physically.

  9. it kinda shows that the whole process done by McCains camp was half a$$ed to begin with.

  10. Yes. There's so many things on her it's ridiculous how badly they vetted her! The abuse-of-power ethics investigation, irony of having a pregnant teen daughter while mother praises absistence-only s*x ed, running to office on a platform to build the "bridge to nowhere" and then taking credit for closing it, the fact that she shouldn't run for VP instead of being there for her family when she has two very young children (the other with down syndrome) and a pregnant daughter even if she has a great husband, the fact that she accepted the VP nomination KNOWING that it will thrust her pregnant daughter onto the public stage and subject her to ridicule, the fact that McCain's campaign didn't even ask for access to the town's newspapers which Palin was the mayor of for 10 years, his husband's drunk driving, someone from McCain's campaign buffing her wikipedia page full of propaganda until someone noticed, the list goes on and on!

    And those are only her personal negatives, don't even get me started on her ignorance of national security and foreign policy, or the fact that McCain claims membership of the PTA equals foreign policy experience! It's ridicilous.

    (Fox News Sunday)

    WALLACE: But Senator, you talked about her years of experience. Ten of those years were as a city councilwoman and mayor of a town of 9,800 people. And in terms of foreign policy, in March of 2007, after — two months after the surge had started, she was asked about it, and she said, “I’ve been focused on state government. I haven’t focused on the war in Iraq.” Understandable for a governor; not understandable for a vice president.

    MCCAIN: Well, by the way, also she was a member of the PTA. I think it’s wonderful. But the point is she’s been to Kuwait. She’s been over there. She’s been with her troops. The National Guard that she commands, who had been over there and had the experience. I’m proud of her knowledge of these challenges and issues.

    And of course, as governor she has had enormous responsibilities, none of which Senator Obama had. He — when she was in government, he was a community organizer. When she was taking tough positions against her own party, Senator Obama was voting “president” 130 times in the state legislature, on every tough issue that ever was, while she was taking them on. That’s the kind of judgment that I’m confident that we need in Washington.

  11. No more so than Obama picking Biden.

  12. It's a shame were not going to see his cabinet choices ... it would have been entertaining at the least ...

  13. I wouldn't vote for him before Palin, or after.  They're both tools.

  14. Sarah Palin was "fully" vetted!!!!!!! And she is a BRILLIANT choice! unlike the other liberal political hack JBiden! One thing Mr. McCain does well is CHOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Oh honey, his competence, decision making and judgement were already under scrutiny. He just put the cherry on top with Palin. No pun intended, of course.  

  16. Of course it does.  He knowingly chose an unknown, inexperienced, out of touch with the real world woman as a running mate because she is a woman.  If Palin were a man she would not have made the first cut.

  17. Yes.  Big time.

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