
Does McCain's insistence on drilling on our coast despite the available sites seem destruction of property? ?

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Right now there are 168 million acres of land including coastal land that is available for drilling that the oil companies refuse to drill on. Why is that? Does it seem kind of strange that the price of oil went up so dramatically and then shortly after when President Bush lifted the ban on offshore drilling the price magically started to fall again. The price of oil will most likely continue to fall until after the election. It seems a sure thing the oil companies does not care about the environment and if whoever gets elected agrees with the them, then its look out folks. It's time to invest in some serious gas masks....




  1. Oil corporations want to keep profits high . They also just want the option of off shore drilling under their control. Since the wealthy neo cons own these big oil corps like Exxon -they control the flow of oil . This is exactly what I thought would happen -that oil prices would go down a bit before the election as a Republican neo con boost .

    Funny how the price of food is still climbing . And how the interstate seems like the early 1970's - not much traffic all day long -sort of nice , but not for business, that is for sure.

  2. It is not only him insisting on off shore drilling, the American people demand it.

  3. What other sites? Sites where there is no oil?  Or played out sites that cannot produce even with today's technology and $150.00 per barrel oil?  What about drilling in Alaska?  but no we cant because the Democrats are so beholden to the radical environmentalist that we cant drill there either.  BTW the price came down because an expectation that there will be more drilling in the near future increasing supply.  And do not believe the statement that it takes 7 years to set up to drill.  At most it would be 2 years.

  4. mccain is playing to his base.  they want to hear, Drill!, Drill!, Drill!

    mccain knows , there is no way in heck  that the rich people who own the  beachfront  property , from Florida to Maine, will let it happen.  they will use their governors to stop it.  and mccain can blame the govs, while claiming, he tried.

  5. It's not like they can just set up shop on that "168 million acres"!  There's so much bureaucratic BS that it takes like 2 years to get a permit!  And then the environmentalists sue them which completely stops the process!  When these people sue all operations have to stop!  It's not like they can continue while the case is going on.  The environmentalists should not have this kind of power or influence!  Not to mention it's not cost effect to drill on alot of that land.  The  price fell on the threat that there could be a bump in supply soon.  Simple economics.

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