
Does McCain REALLY care about hurricane victims?

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That attitude was borne out in McCain's actions and votes. Forty Senators and 100 members of Congress visited New Orleans before he did; he finally got there in March 2006. He voted against establishing a Congressional commission to examine the Federal, State, and local responses to Katrina in med-September 2005. He repeated that vote in 2006. He voted against allowing up to 52 weeks of unemployment benefits to people affected by the hurricane, and in 2006 voted against appropriating $109 billion in supplemental emergency funding, including $28 billion for hur




  1. Probably, but he is still talking about it just for the (potential) votes

  2. does obama really care about the poor as he says? he made 4,000,000.00 last year and gives his half brother in kenya -0-.  The poor guy lives in complete poverty on 30 bucks a month and his brother who made 4 mill wont give him the time of day.. what does that tell you how concerned he is about helping the poor when his own are in dire poverty and he refuses to do absoultely anything for them...yep he is really concerned about the poor.. give me a break...

  3. Yah, dead people can't buy gas.

  4. ouch....

    just keeps getting better.

    Obama / Biden 08'

  5. Does Obama???

  6. 52 weeks of unemployment was ridiculous!!!!! Anyone that took that long to find a job would be too much of a loser to be employed anyway.  

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