
Does McCain believe that political partisanship ends at the water's edge?

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"I believe any partisanship ends at the water's edge," John McCain during his visit to Columbia.

If so, why is he attacking Obama, while Obama is overseas?




  1. You're reading the comment in reverse.  For years, the tradition has been that an politician would not speak badly of another America (or America itself) while on foreign soil.  It was seen as akin to bad mouthing your family while at someone else's house.  It helps to know the context of the original saying before asking an upside-down question like yours.  This is why many of us were angered over Bill Clinton's history protesting and bad mouthing the US while in Europe, and were also angered by the Dixie Twits America-Bashing remarks in England.   I still am disgusted that Obama is campaigning in countries that aren't allowed to vote for him.  Or maybe that will be the 2008 Democrat trick... getting votes to count from non-American citizens.

    REPLY.... it might be splitting hairs to differentiate "Campaining" from "Fundraising"  but I think it's germaine that (to my knowledge) McCain did not speak publicly against the Country or against Senator Obama during his foreign trips.  (in fact didn't GW Bush get in trouble for "insinuating" indirectly "at" Obama when he was overseas?)

  2. I guess I have to ask why his partisanship exists within our borders.  Isn't the point to make this COUNTRY a better place?  I don't get why we have to be so focused on what's working for any given party.

  3. mc cain better grow some balls and bury nice is not going to work with the evil libs..............

  4. If Obama was president, McCain would support his actions and try to present a unified front to our enemies. You know the thing the Democrats have failed to do since the 9-11 attacks.

  5. im not sure what he thinks he may be to old to think.  what is the choices. whats the differnece where olabama at.? He still a main target you you need therepy

  6. He is still in a presidential election, so that will be on his mind whether he wants it to be or not. Politicians are still people, and like people they are thinking about their career. No matter how good hearted they are or how much good they want to do they're people, with an agenda.

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