
Does McCain have Alzheimer's? Forgets how many houses he owns?? Votes against his own immigration legislation?

by Guest58373  |  earlier

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And that's just the tip of the iceberg: has he forgotten what his comrades-in-arms have endured when he votes AGAINST proposed V.A. benefit upgrades for vets, calling the bills "too generous"? that he was tortured himself, then caved in to Dubya and OKAYED water-boarding (opening the door for OUR captured soldiers to be subjected to that inhumane practice)? The list goes on and on, but it makes me wonder how stable/functional he really is.

Frankly, I'd have the same concern if he were a Democrat, so 'party' doesn't enter this consideration. I'm a Vietnam vet, too. I cannot even begin to fathom the depth of the horror that he was subjected to as a POW. But being a POW doesn't entitle anyone to be a President --otherwise, there are hundreds of possible candidates at Guantanamo... If --IF-- he claims special treatment and/or qualification for Prez solely due to being a POW, to me that is one more reason to question his stability, judgment and values.




  1. It didn't bother liberals that Kerry was rich and married to an heiress, why should it bother Republicans that believe in Free Enterprise and Individualism.

    Liberals should join our side.  Patriotism and morals vs. pro communist ideals.

  2. Do you have your computer programmed to automatically spit this same question out every 10 minutes?

    Once again, the answer is NO

  3.   When Obama said he only had 1 House he forgot he had others too . OOPS Does he have Alheimer too ?

  4. How many times are you going to cut and paste the very same question?

  5. Most likely.

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