
Does McCain have any oil interests, other than Alaska?

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Money is not only the root of all evil, it is the great explanation for so many human behaviors.

So, if oil is coming from Alaska, and McCain has no oil-men family and is not one himself, then all of this will be over, right?

Is he attempting to prove that not only will he help the crisis, but also obliquely disspelling the notion of continued war, by dissociating himself from the motives of Bush and his ilk?




  1. I heard he wants to drill in the Palin region of Alaska.

  2. Thats the most misquoted quotation. Money is not the root of all evil.

    The love of money is the root of all evil.

  3. No, that is where he truly differs from the current administration in D.C.  they all have oil ties.  

    McCain does not have oil ties.

  4. So now you're trying to put the same stamp on him as you all did with Bush?? You're the reason we're in this mess now.  Dems want high gas prices.

  5. Do you count money from oil lobbyists?

  6. yes, middle eastern oil  

  7. I think we should open his psychological records--he thinks he just escaped being a POW yesterday. Thats all I keep hearing about! How is his being a POW going to help those who are suffering NOW??

  8. well unfortunately for McCain his runnin mate Palin's husband works for the oil rigs and has family that opened a gas station, so do u think she will wanna stop the dependence on foreign oil????

  9. If he doesn't know how many houses he owns, how would he possibly be able to answer that question?

  10. off-shore drilling will only fulfill 3% of the 25% oil we import.

  11. His oil interest are the same as every other Americans, he hates seeing us dependent on foreign oil and wants it to be affordable.

  12. / First of all, the Bible states that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.

    Secondly, no McCain doesn't own any oil companies, nor is he an oilman.

    Thirdly, McCain's interest in oil for Americans is for AMERICA because he loves America!

    NObama, Reed, and Palousy were against helping Americans by drilling for oil, or dropping the 18.4 cents gas tax.

    McCain is for America, therefore he is for drilling in a small area of Alaska (only 2,000 of the 19 million acres we own).

    He is also for drilling offshore in the oilrich Gulf and around the country in offshore drilling rigs (out of sight from our shores) where oil is abundant.

    Do you like paying high gas prices to nations that hate us?    

  13. This election is all about oil.

    McCain being for it, Obama being against it. That fits the description of how the two candidates stand on the war as well. And I don't think oil and the Iraq war are unrelated, do you??

    McCain/Palin are taking the fight to oil resources (Iraq, Russia),

    Obama/Biden are taking on Al Qaeda via Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Diplomatic, multi nation pressure on Iran.

    here's some solid evidence, the Democrats vs Big oil. it's the closest to real information that you're going to find, because it's direct from the horse's mouth, under oath, and both sides contend the other is dishonest. it's up to you to determine which side you believe. but it's hard to ignore motive, when it's coming out of Sarah Palin's mouth.

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