
Does McCain have support from 'celebrities' or political figures that people actually like?

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Obama has the support from the likes of Oprah, Al Gore, Sam Nunn, (who most dumbasses never even heard of...)

McCain has Joe Lieberaman and Daddy

please have fun with this and name names...




  1. Danny Yankee, one Hispanic Vote.  

    Joe Lieberaman who like John McCain ain't nothing to look at.  Much less listen to. A turn coat.  Please.

    Give me a break.

    I never heard of Sarah Palin, and never have you and most if not all the people on yahoo, until McCain announced her as his running mate.  Give me a break.

    Obama/Biden in 08.

  2. Who care about Oprah, Al Gore and Sam Nunn they are all losers anyway. Oh yea there going to have a biggggggg influence on my vote NOT.

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