
Does McCain know how many homes he owns?

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does he know anything?

we need to watch out for his VP because that's the person that will be running the country in 2 years or less! McCain is a senior citizen and the stresses of presidency are not for folks of that age, let's face it.




  1. Hahah.

    Good question

  2. This is a tempest in a teapot. McCain's wife is worth more than $100 million and has many investments, including condos across the country. McCain was not personally aware of all of these holdings, nor should he be expected to. The hoped for negative impact by the Obama people is already falling to nothing as the public is being fully and properly informed on what McCain meant by his answer.

  3. Actually the houses are owned by his wife's family. do you know how many houses the Kennedy's own?

  4. I don't care if he owns 50 homes.....he's entitled.  Even if he chooses Elmer Fudd as V.P., he's even more qualified that Obama........

  5. He and his wife have 6 in which 2 are rented out and one of their children live in one. When you grow up you can do the same thing. Heck, maybe you can even get 13 houses like Kerry!

  6. I heard that his wife owns them all.

  7. Yeah this is getting a little tired.  He didn't say he didn't know he just he'd get back to him on that.  Meaning he dodged the question which is something politicians do.   Nice how the Obama "no smears" campaign turns it into a crack about McCain's age.  Hopefully McCain will start to attack Obama on his hypocrisy next because that field is WIDE open.  

    By the way, your desperation is showing....

  8. Obama is not going to do better health wise as he smokes and he has been looking bad lately..John McCain is a tough old gird and when he is elected in November he will only live in the White House or Camp David..but you already know this tommy

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