
Does McCain plan on dumping Palin and blaming her demise on the democrats and liberal media?

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So he dumps her (or she resigns due to the pressure) He gets a qualified nominee and gets to soak up the gravy from the liberal press hounding her because of her family life. Seems like a pretty sweet bonus to me.




  1. she is a qualified nominee. She has more experience than Barrack Obama. Why the heck would McCain want to get rid of her? She is also loved by everyone!

  2. If she does resign it will be because of the media and leftist wack jobs like you Leave her and her family ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Palin makes the democrats squirm like worms on hooks.  I really can't imagine a better running-mate for McCain.  She makes Obama's pick look pathetic and trite.  She's unlikely to succumb under pressure, she seems to thrive in it.  If her pregnant daughter is the worst skeleton they can dredge up, then they are in deep doo doo.  At one time this may have been a death sentence, but it's not the fifties anymore.  Americans are more likely to accept this girl as one of their own rather then condemn her.  I can't see how the liberal media can demonize her without coming off as vicious.  

  4. He won't drop her she's just being used to solidify the base McCain will not let her do anything important in his administration she will do no more than he allows Cindy to do in his campaigh. He and his two amigos will really run the country.

  5. I think you got it right.

  6. If he wants to win, he'd dump her

  7. Nah, he won't dump her.  He doesn't want to win.

  8. I'd drop her like a hot potato and get a real VP candidate if I was him.  

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