
Does McCain play the POW card when asked about his houses?

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Last night, Jay Leno asked McCain

"'how many houses do you have?'

At that, McCain got serious, saying he had been imprisoned for five-and-a-half years during the Vietnam war, and that "I didn't have a house. I didn't have a kitchen table. I didn't have a table." He also praised his late father-in-law -- the source of his wife's wealth -- as a man who came from nothing to be successful."




  1. one thing is for sure,he IS a war hero and he isn't playing the race card.

    Obama and 90% of his supporters DO play the race card so,,,fair is fair.

    the fact that McCain is a hero and Obama has nothing more than the "RACE CARD" should prove who IS the best to lead this country.

  2. It's the only card in his deck.

  3. Yes.

    And, he parlayed his POW status into a Congressional term and then onto the Senate.  Incidentally, as his first term as a junior Senator, McCain became involved in the Keating 5 Scandal.  I don't think this is the "experience" we need.

  4. McCain is reminding the American people that his wealth and status should not define him.  His story is unique, really, for a person one election from the Presidency.

    McCain is the only man to run for the Presidency that was a POW in a war, and as such, suffered horrible abuse.  It is quite a story of great personal sacrifice.

    In this age of celebrating personality over sense, and celebrating cliche over meaningful thought, reminding people that he is no man born with a silver spoon in his mouth is, well, necessary.

    Personally, if McCain lives in 2 houses, or 15, it makes no difference of what type of Presidency he could foster.  Questioning his ability of how he might be as President based on his wife's wealth is dismissive of the larger question for the American people, which is, who would make the better President, Obama, or, McCain?

  5. Well he certainly did not answer the question.

  6. I saw that this morning.  It was cringe-worthy to say the least.  Ouch.  Just a tad uncomfortable segway.

    It reminded me of Giuliani, and invoking 9/11 into whatever question he gets asked.

  7. Absurd....Leno asked that as a joke during something that McCain was saying about being a POW.....McCain (Who CAN speak without a teleprompter) included Leno's joke in his talking...If you watched carefully rather than drooling on yourself over your other TV with your Deity's apostles on you might have noticed.  

    Why does Obama cry RACISM or declare subjects about his life OFF LIMITS when asked.....does he have something to hide?....

    The reason Obama needs a teleprompter is to keep his lies straight....

  8. I do honor him for his service to this country, but it hardly translates into qualifications for presidency.  He's using it as a crutch at the same time as having his cronies portray Obama as using his race as an excuse for freedom from criticism.

    Obama has only mentioned race in this campaign once during a national speech, and only dismissively when questioned.  McCain has mentioned his status as a POW many many times as though that excuses him from his ignorance in economic issues, foreign policy issues, health care, and human rights issues.  

    When is McCain going to face the issues rather than use his having been a POW as an excuse to avoid them?

  9. Bet McCain bombed more houses that what he owns, although I bet  he didn't keep track of that either.

  10. The other poster was right...he's becoming another Giuliani. Its getting ridiculous. He's cheapening his experience.  

  11. McCain is a useless war hero that wishes he was still in his glory days. Those who are convinced that Obama is a race baiter, and that Obama is a whiner, should without a doubt are Mccain as worse. Just because Mccain was in a P.O.w camp, doesn't make him stong, smart, or capable of being president. So the answer is absolutely yes. And we deserve to be respected and treated as free Americans who are smart enough to se through the bullshit.  

  12. The POW card won't work when America finds out how McCain denounced the USA so his captors wouldn't kill him.  

  13. Sounds like another politician trying to get into The White House..

  14. He does not play the POW card. He rarely talks about it. The media talks about it a lot more. Just wait and see what happens at the Republican National Convenetion.

  15. "consrgreat" has it right...."absurd" is the perfect term for this question.  "Surprising", however, is not.  

    You've taken this completely out of context and twisting totally around.  The question was asked jokingly.  Why, you may ask?  Let me help you:  it is a NON ISSUE that has reached ridiculous proportions.  It's grasping and it's quite pathetic.

  16. Every chance he gets!

  17. McCain plays the POW card every time a question becomes difficult.  It's getting ridiculous and this is a good example of how ridiculous it is.  Leno asked how many homes he had and somehow he managed to make a connection to his POW experience and launch into that diversionary rant.

    Previously, when asked about whether he cheated at Saddleback, he used the POW card.  McCain hopes this will work but people are getting tired of it really quickly.  It sounds as if he can't answer the questions that he's being asked.  

  18. I think using that story over and over again reduces the emotional impact of it. I knew a family friend that was a POW during WWII. He NEVER brought it up. I only learned of it at his funeral. I just had such a deep respect for him because he had made such a sacrifice but never used it to have people look up to him.

    McCain used to be that way, but clearly his handlers have told him to tell that story over and over. I don't think there is a person in American that DOESN"T know he was a POW. So he's not really informing people of his life experience. He just tries to keep tapping into that emotional well and it's losing its impact.

    His POW story is becoming the equivalent of the old guy that used to be the star high school football player who keep telling you over and over about the big game. Fascinating at first, but after a while its all you can do to keep rolling your eyes when he starts up again.

  19. There's no such thing as a POW card.  That's incredibly insensitive.

  20. do you really think mccain is good? i think he sucks and hope obama beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for mccain on this site..

  21. How many of Hussein's half-brothers has he housed? This is the real question that inquiring minds want answered!

  22. McCain is wearing the POW card OUT.  Every uncomfortable question is answered with: I was a POW...

    I hope he keeps it up. He'll become a joke just like Guiliani did!

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