
Does McCain really care about Gustavo in the Gulf Region by curtailing the RNC Conventions?

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Or is this a big ploy to make up for Katrina; when McCain and President Bush ate birthday cake in Arizona; while New Orleans drowned?




  1. I agree with Stacie B and Bob

  2. The environment is one of his key issue.

  3. I think that McCain actually cares, as does Obama. Votes are part of the equation for both, anyone that says different is lying to themselves.

  4. probably

  5. The massive floods in Iowa, people there didn't need no stinkin government, they banned together and got the job done.

  6. yes, I do think he really does care. I also think Obama and Biden really do care - they are using their fundraising apparatus (donor list, website) to raise funds to help.

    Bush? not so sure.

  7. most of the people that live in New Orleans are African Americans and McCain don't care about them, only Obama does!

  8. I doubt McCain cares. Votes are crucial now so he has to appear to be doing the right thing in the name of securing votes.  If the Democrats had their convention this week the same thing would happen as Obama has to be seen as doing something to earn votes

  9. I think that like most Marxists-- excuse me, "progressives"-- you tend to project your ill feelings toward others onto those you despise. Which is usually anyone who disagrees with you politically, or objects to being used as a pack animal to service your wants and needs. And those two are almost always the same people.

  10. Sure he does, at least he is putting the American people first, when has nobama? McCain doesnt need all the hype and glitz that nobama had... McCains words and actions speak volumes to me!


  11. so far all you have been reading is rither the republican , racist , or people that forgot what they saw 3 years ago of course mccain ......... and the rest of the rnc act like they care but where were these guys years ago . ( did we all forget about bush reffering to micheal brown as  "brownie " ) and the thing is people love to critize obama for not doing anything if you really want to see an example of doing nothing go to youtube and out katrina footage . who could forget mayor nagin begging for someone to help his drowning city .to answer the question asked .................. mccain and the rnc and president bush care they know the world is watching and can't afford to be seen pating each other on the back while la gets hit with a storm bigger than katrina was

  12. Considering Palin thinks NO is a crime against God's law, probably not.  It is, however, great theater.

  13. Actions speaks louder then words.  So yeah I believe he is sincere while Obama is all words and insincere.  What kind of American who won't pin the American flag to his lapel or put his hand to his heart when saying the Pledge of Allegiance?  That would be Obama.

  14. He knows the rating will be very low its sorter like a pre-empted strike now he is covered.

  15. This is are complaining that McCain is doing something just because of complained when he wasn't.  I forget, why aren't you down there instead of posting questions on the POLITICAL BOARDS about how McCain is playing politics?

  16. He did vote against funding to help rebuild NOLA.

  17. Obviously he does, yet the drama department will run with your assumption any way. So be it.

    "Exceptional?", on behalf of the President and Vice President, I have two words for you, and they are NOT "Merry Christmas"!

  18. he doesnt give, unless if his family members were hurt or something. omg do people still get mad because obama didnt wear a pin or something please dont let them distract of the real issues. is it really important who or who doesnt wear one.

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