
Does McCain really think he is going to appeal to women with Palin as VP?

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Her record in Alaska is contrary to everything progressive and independent women believe in. Every woman I've talked to is insulted by this shameless pandering to Hillary supporter. What do you think?




  1. I was pretty shocked when he picked her.It's insulting to think that he believes we are so stupid,that simply adding a woman to his ticket would attract Hillarys supporters. I personally supported her because of her experience and her stance on the issues,not because she was a woman.It was a great bonus,but if I didn't agree with what she stood for...I wouldn't have voted for her whether she was a woman or not.

    unfortunately I'm sure some will fall for it...but not many

  2. I think you're insulting women by saying they all have to be of one mindset.

    There are many great conservative women out there. Sarah Palin is one of them.

  3. Maybe she was picked on reasons other tha she is a woman. Do people really care that much? Who votes for someone solely on their race or gender. People wouldn't elect a n**i supporte even if they were a woman or black or part of some minority.  

  4. I've also heard women from the DC metro area calling into a local news talk radio show and most of the women callers were appalled and men voters were a little peeved.  One female caller stated that she was "on the fence" about voting for Obama but after McCain picked Palin as his VP, she stated that she will vote for Obama in the general election.

    As a woman, I think McCain's choice reflects extremely bad judgment but not because Palin is a woman.  The whole point of McCain's ad attacks against Obama was that he didn't have the experience...well, neither does McCain's VP pick.  Palin has only 20 months of experience as a Governor in Alaska, the remainder of experience comes from being a council member and mayor of a small town in Alaska (pop. 6500).  She has zero foreign policy experience, zero experience leading complex issues.  

    What is not good about this selection is that McCain is 72 years old (the oldest Presidential candidate in history) and has several health issues.  If he were to unexpectedly pass away (heaven forbid), then our country would be left with an inexperience VP stepping in as the leader of our country.  This isn't an issue to take lightly (selecting a VP).

    Besides, Sarah Palin is a strict anit-abortionist.  Hillary Clinton supporters have got to be crazy to want a conversative woman in the White House given that we already have the Bush administration sliding in government regulations to deny women the right to birth control or abortion if a health care provider doesn't want to provide that right to a woman.  What are these disaffected women (and McCain) thinking when they decided to applaud Palin.  She is simply a white, female "Clarence Thomas".  I'm sorry, but she is really a token female and we all know this is the case.

    I'm more comfortable with a Hillary Clinton anyday before I will ever feel comfortable with Sarah Palin.  At least Clinton is real.  Sarah Palin is more powder puff, beauty queen than White House material.

  5. I think the Hillaryites are insanely jealous, that's what.

    And I think that second sentence should read "...contrary to everything socialists believe in."

    And I think you should talk to a more diverse and multicultural bunch of women, not just left-wing Hillaryites.

  6. I think it certainly played a part in his selection.  I disagree that she is contrary to what women believe in and actually, his selection has "cemented" my vote for him and Sarah.  To say that she should chose politics or family is ridiculous.  The same can be said for Obama or anyone else.  Obama has two young children.  Palin's eldest son is getting ready to be deployed to serve our country.  Maybe Obama should chose over his family or politics.  Likewise, to say that Palin has little experience is ludicrous...she is only running for vice presidency but the equally inexperienced Obama is running for president and commander of chief for our militarys, of which he has never served and neither have his family members.  His brother, Mark Ndesandjo, is a chinese merchant trying to push imports on our country and take away more American jobs.  You guys gotta wake up.  We need Americans in our highest office.  Not this hodge podge of a family!

  7. I think she is under qualified and should have picked career or children not both. If she's VP do you think that down syndrome child is going to get what he needs? How selfish can she be?

  8. what are you talking about get out of obamas  you know what.... and think for yourself zombie

  9. No but it will excite his base

  10. Yes, he does.

    McCain picked someone qualified, and she happens to be a woman.

    Regardless of whether or not women agree with her policies, they will resonate with her lifestyle.  She is a working mother with FIVE children.  So many American women are working mothers who long for an inspirational woman like Sarah.

  11. Yes.


    Someone said Obama gave a speech last night, but it was lost in today's news cycle thanks to Palin.

  12. McCain was a joke!  Palin is a satirical statement of the GOP....BTW, that's Get Outta Politics!

  13. i honestly think he does.

    which makes the point of why he SHOULD NOT be elected.

  14. YEP

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