
Does McCain seem like a deceptive man when evading the question about how many houses he has?

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...and by not answering honestly isn't that a red flag for a politician with an interior motive to serve the interest of the wealthy and not the people of the USA?




  1. It's not like its something he can keep hdden. And I'd rather he didnt waste his time on inventory of his wife's possessions  and focus on the country.

  2. No..

    Learn the facts and move on to a real issue.

    By the way- the correct word is ulterior, not interior.

  3. You mean like the time he wouldn't comment on Rev. Wright, or his indoctrination into Black Liberation Theology or gets angry anytime someone has the temerity to question his wife Michelle...oops !!!

  4. Rezko-gate - enuf said.

  5. No for the 678th time today.  He and his wife have a Prenup agreement and those are propably her houses.  The end.  Now, get over it.

  6. Are you aware that McCain does not own any houses?  They are all owned by his wife.

    Besides - isn't this a rather stupid to be concerned about in the first place?

  7. No, not if you actually listen to his explanation.  He didn't want to give an exact answer becuase he knows liberals will jump all over it if he was wrong.  He said his wife owns several properties, including some that her mother and family live in, so he didn't know the exact number off the top of his head.  Since when do Americans criticize a man for marrying a rich women.  This is a loaded question if I've ever seen one.  

  8. He wasn't being deceptive. He didn't know. Deceptive is picking a number out of the air or outright lying.

    Most politicians have at least two homes - one in their home state and one in DC.

    Politicians (like celebrities and CEO's ) are rich. And what's wrong with that?

  9. My question to you is what does it matter how many houses McCain has? Is it not more important to know where a person's loyalty lies. I have never heard McCain or any of the people he calls friends speak against the U.S. or against another race. You know as well as I do what his opponent has said and the people he calls friends have said and done. Not to mention the woman he married.

  10. He was a ******* POW, give him some respect.

    Just because he doesn't really know how many houses he has doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be president.

    ******* liberals trying to make him look bad.

  11. I think so, yes. I think it's just plain nuts that you wouldn't know how many homes you own. That's kind of a big deal. Not like "how many pairs of shoes do you own?" but  HOMES. How in the world can you not know how many you and your wife own? I don't care if you are busy and the little woman takes care of this stuff. These are large purchases. If you don't know that.....well, it's just sad.

  12. & Obama's a shady dealer for buying a house on the cheap from Lesko. Can we move on to something important?

  13. He did not answer dishonestly!  His wife, who is a billionaire, owns them.  He simply said he would check so as to NOT mislead anyone.  He also has a prenupt with Cindy, his wife...and it to protect HER money.  McCain is not the rich one in the family, his wife is.

    Get your facts straight.

    You want to talk ignorant, then lets not forget Obama...the one who was quoting Mathew from the Bible about taking care of the least of the children and his own flesh and blood lives in a hut on .83 cents a month!?  Don't be so blind!

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