
Does McCain support Romney's private equity firm Bain Capital ?

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Mike Huchabee said "I believe most Americans want their next president to remind them of the guy who they work with,not the guy who will lay them off".

Bain Capital will buy a company -revamp by laying off workers and then sell that company off for a huge profit -est 250 million.

Romney also closed factories -reinvested in Iran (go figure) and is using the Caymen Islands as a tax shelter.

Does this show interest in profit or interest in building a better America ?




  1. My answer is;

    This is Fascism and Greed at its finest, Plain and Simple. A total Disregard for your Country and fellow citizens. Very UN-Patriotic, UN-American and a Sin against the 10 Commandments and the Teachings of Jesus.This, is the Major Problem in America Today.

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