
Does McCains objective of drilling for domestic oil sound like a sound plan?

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personally, i think it's the smartest thing he has ever suggested...this energy problem needs to be tackled right now, domestic drilling is a good start. or perhaps you are on the Obama bandwagon and hope to get us out of this mess by auctioning off carbon credits...(that's right, that's his plan, i haven't a clue what it means..)..what say you?




  1. Don't you find it difficult to make a stand on that issue? According to some, there is an abundance of oil to drill for, and then others say that there isn't enough to bother with, that it will run out too soon.

    I don't know who to believe. So, I am on the wall, waiting for things to get sorted out.

    Even if we do drill our own, it is still going to be expensive for us.


  2. Don't fall for that. He flip-fopped because it became politically expedient to change his mind. For such an environmentalist and maverick in he's party he's really turned out to be a hypocrite and a coward. It's not going to have huge longterm effects except on the environment. Even if the US drilled all over the country we'd only have 2-3% of the needed national supply.

  3. A commitment to drill and become energy independent will cut the oil speculators in the futures markets off at the knees and have the effect of slowing or stopping the oil price surge.  

    As the efforts increase to bring new US sources of oil on line the oil price will fall because the futures markets bidders will have assurance of more supply and no further reason to continue to bid up the prices for fear of inadequate supply for their businesses.  Look, the reason the price is going up is because those that need fuel like trucking companies, airlines and other big and vulnerable users are trading in the oil futures market so that they will have the oil they need in the future at a known price.  That is what the futures market is supposed to do for oil and all sorts of other commodities like wheat and corn, etc.  Changing the market psychology by vigorously telling the world that we are going to drill will stop or slow the bid-up of the future price of oil.  If Congress gives a namby pamby signal not much will happen.  It must be a vigorous -we are going to do it - kind of signal.  I worry that the Democrats and other socialists will not have their heart in it and not help make the message a vigorous one.

  4. Absolutely - bring on the drillers ASAP!!!!!!!!

  5. newsflash, the pres is going to lift the ban of offshore drilling, he favors McCains suggestion ,

    McCain 2008!!!

  6. Problem is it will be left up to state decisions. It will take years for the states to allow for drilling, due to environmental groups and ecologists. It will not help enough, however its better than Obama's plan of doing nothing.

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