
Does McDonald's put c**p in their burgers? ....?

by  |  earlier

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So I was so hungry and the closest place for eating something was McDonald's. I walked there and ate an Angus burger, and once I was done, all my body started to itch. I see red spots on my legs and hands right now. I'm not freaked out by this, but I'm just wondering what do these guys put in their food? Probably c**p? This is like my 3rd time I have been to McDonald's in my 3 years of residency at USA, and there will never be a 4th come back.




  1. It has been reported that the way they get such cheap hamburger is by getting low grade meat that is ground up with parts of c**p and intestines and what not.  They get their flavoring from some other place and it gets all mixed together is little frozen patties & hauled to the restaurants.  So yes, it really is c**p & dye & MSG & every other thing you should stay away from.

  2. Every processed product has some dirt, f***s, and bugs in it.

    Sorry to be the one to break the news to you.

  3. dont insult the biggest empire in the world... it could tell you off with more added fat then your mom on her birthday...

  4. No doubt about it.

    The funny thing is that most Americans are so brainwashed by public schooling and the "liberal" media that that they don't see anything wrong with eating hamburgers made from f***s.  

    Makes me glad I'm a vegetarian.

  5. They put dookie in the patties

  6. yes. 100% poo

  7. It's probably from preservatives or some kind of something that they put on lettuce to keep it fresh and crisp. Or it could be some kind of seasoning that you are allergic to.

    I don;t any any fast food ever. It's all junk.

  8. you were probably rude to the cashier and they told the guy making your burger to jack off in it

  9. YEAH MAN youre finally catching on to what fast food is really

  10. Okay,


    Grow up!!!

    Maybe you replaced it with c**p for money

  11. duh

  12. 100% Beef Patty

    100% pure USDA inspected beef; no fillers, no extenders. Prepared with grill seasoning (salt, black pepper).

    ur stupid for thinging its angus! seriously what's wrong with you people!!!!!!!

  13. ok i used to eat mcdonalds and my mom told me i would get fAT if i eat it so she should me a video call super size me at the biggining its disscusting i wou7ld close ur eyes but the rest showes u wat and how the make the food its groos u should get the movie

  14. all processed food...has c**p in it

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