
Does McDonald's serve gross food?

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Does McDonald's serve gross food?




  1. YES, YES, YES

  2. yes all fast food is gross eating at home is better and healthier

  3. No the food there is not gross.....why is everyone bashing McDonalds and making it seem like the food is bad, it is not....many other places are horrible.....burger king is gross.....i aviod that place as much as possible.

  4. I used to work there. Yes, the food is quite gross. If you want food that you can trust won't kill you (but will still kill you from its being unhealthy in general, it's McDonald's, after all), get a cinnamon roll... and that's really about it.

    Besides, I'm a vegetarian now so I guess I may be just a bit biased, but even the beefiest meat-eater out there would probably admit McDonald's is not the ideal place to eat.

  5. Yes.

  6. some ... i like breakfast

  7. Well yeah.

    Everything they sell is freaking gross.

  8. MccDonalds does not serve gross food it's really Kinda good  the only reason people think its gross it becasue it has to much grease and that just makes people fat like the Quarter Pounder  it has  740 carlories  And the Quarter Pounder with Chease has  730 carlories so Mccdonalds is ok to eat once in a while but not all the times because it can make u really un healthy

  9. Yes if you saw what goes on behind the scenes in

    most fast food restaurants you would eat at home. but

    it builds up the immune system

  10. I'm not sure about the food they serve in the states, but what they serve in Singapore is pretty standard. The usuals: Mcchicken, mcnuggets, filet-o-fish, cheeseburger, double cheeseburger, grilled chicken foldover, and some promotional prosperity burger(some chinese thing). Nothing special. I heard the quarter pounder's pretty gross.

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