
Does McDonald's serve only breakfast during the morning, or lunch/dinner as well?

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Does McDonald's serve only breakfast during the morning, or lunch/dinner as well?




  1. here in our state they serve till 11:00 am

  2. i think just breakfast and never heard about lunch/dinner.

  3. they serve breakfast until 1030 and 11 on sundays, but i have heard from some of the disctrict managers that they are in discussion if they should make it an all day thing like jack in the box. There is some serrious discussion and if does go into effect you could end up getting breakfast and luch all day in the next year or so.

  4. The last time I went there I went to order a Big Mac at 7am and they told me that I can only order breakfast during those hours. I havent been back since I work nights and go to bed in the morning. It may depend on the managers I guess.

  5. Breakfast ends at 10:30 breakfast is great and should be served all day round...

  6. yes breakfast is served till 10:30 am and then lunch and dinner is served after. They are very strict so get there a minute after 10:30 am!!!!

  7. until 10:30am and that's the only time they serve breakfast

  8. Only breakfast until 11 am then they start the lunch/dinner.

  9. only in the morning

  10. 10:30  they stop but on weekends its 11

  11. Mcdonlds is a scam for your money!yaa it tast good for about 5 min's then the pain comes!if i were you i would go to arbys or somehting.mcdonlds breakfast ends at 10:30.they must think there breckfast is so good,people will wake  up at nine to get some of there c**p!

  12. In my area, they change the grill over to Lunch at 10:30am.  You can still order breakfast if they have those items left over.

  13. They only serve breakfast until 10:30 am and maybe a little later on Sunday's

  14. Only during the morning just dare ask them at lunch for an item off the breakfast menu.

  15. Breakfast finished at 10.30 am - you cant get it after that.

  16. Only in the mornings because everyone knows you can't eat eggs or pancakes or muffins after 10:30 am (those are ONLY breakfast items and you'll be arrested if you eat an omelet or pancakes in the afternoon or evening or middle of the night, oh no!).  McD also won't do hamburgers until after breakfast is over which is weird since it's supposed to be hamburger joint.

  17. No, McDonald's serves only breakfast until 10:30 AM (11:00 AM on Sundays) in the United States, at which point they switch to the lunch/dinner menu.

  18. Mc Donald's serves breakfast from around 5am to 10:30am.  Some stores at 5:30am or 6am.  On weekends, usually Sundays, til 11am.  Some stores extend breakfast on the weekends til 11am.  Each store's hours are different so it's best to check the posted hours on the doors.  

    Some McDonald stores have gone to 24 hour drive thrus, extending the dinner hour until the wee hours.

  19. Ok.....McDonalds only serves breakfast until 10:30 on weekdays and 11am on weekends and holidays. They cannot serve it throughout the day because there is not enough space to cook all of the products in the kitchen. The eggs, sausage and ham are all cooked on the grill. So is the regular meat and quarter meat. There is not enough room to cook both at the same time. ALL McDonalds would have to be renovated and expanded to allow the sale of breakfast all day. Dont freak out though it may be coming in the future.

  20. only morning

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