
Does McDonald's use real eggs?

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i mean i bite into a mcgriddle and the egg is perfectly folded. you know? like it came in a sheet.




  1. Yes they do. The McMuffins are real eggs and the scrambled eggs are liquid pasturized from real

  2. yep free range eggs

  3. i don't believe those are real

  4. Yeah.

  5. yes they do

  6. Yes, because if they use the fake stuff, they will lose their customers. You can taste the difference.

  7. R u in UK?? I saw a Mc D advert the other day, it said they used free range eggs. So ya they use good eggs.


  9. probably not

  10. they use real eggs for the egg mcmuffins, but carton pre beaten eggs for the other stuff.

  11. Listen to Duckie. She works there.

  12. The eggs in the McGriddles are real eggs, but they are not cooked in the McDonalds restaurant. They are cooked and shaped in the processing plant, then shipped in little squares to the store. The individual restaurants heat the eggs up on the grill before serving.

    The eggs in the Egg McMuffins are real eggs. They are perfectly round because they are cooked in a ring-shaped mold. The grill is sprayed with margarine to prevent sticking, then 8 eggs are cracked into 8 individual rings, covered with a lid, and cooked until the yolk is gelled.

    The scrambled eggs are a liquid egg mixture from a carton, no different than what you would buy from the grocery store. The egg mixture is poured onto the grill, and stirred with a "scrambler" (a special stirring tool") until the eggs are light and fluffy.

    I hope this answers you McD's egg questions!!


  13. sad to say but i wrk there and they do use real eggs they come in pre made cartons so there already scrambled and the reason they come out all flat and what not is because they use what looks like a metal cookie cutter and pour the egg in it so its a perfect shape... hope this helps

  14. egg mc muffin is a real egg you can fold any real egg that is scrambled please hannah don't know shes very young

  15. They are real eggs but they are already beat up, like a liquid. It just makes it easier to fix.

  16. i dONT KNOw !!!!!!!!

  17. it  is a real egg its just frozen and folded

  18. They use the things you can buy at stores in the carton.. not in egg form but in liquid.  eww if you ask me.

  19. are there such things as false eggs ?

  20. the round eggs are real eggs that they crack open and cook. The folded eggs are also real, but they come in a acrton, so that they can just pour it. That makes it faster.

  21. No, because its not fresh eggs, they are liquid egg from bottles from their warehouse, that God only knows how many days or weeks they have been in the bottles

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