
Does McDonalds sell any burgars that don't have meat in <span title="'em???????????????????????????????????????????????????">'em??????????????????????...</span>

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if u kno....

... how much r big macs where u live...???





  1. you can ask for a veggie burger.

  2. Probably modified or atificially produced &quot;meat&quot;

    Most of the fast food burgers dont have real meat in them.

  3. Lol you can get any burger from Mc Donalds and it wont have meat it in.

  4. The Big Mac, I&#039;ve searched and searched in those over sized bread rolls and never found any meat.  It smelt slightly meaty so I have a suspicion, it may have been near something meaty at some stage, maybe one of the staff burnt his hand whilst making it...

  5. yes, in India they do.........

    there are 4 to 5 varieties of veg. burgers

    eg. mc alootikki,mc veggie etc

  6. technically, none of their burgers have what you&#039;d call &quot;meat&quot; in them...

  7. You can order a hamburger (or whatever other burger) and ask them to not put in the meat. They will do that. As for the price, in SF, I would guess around $3-4???? But I don&#039;t order Big Macs, so I&#039;m not too sure

  8. I&#039;m pretty sure they have a veggie burger there, bk and all them other places to. you think they would BC of competition

  9. no they call it burger because of meat

  10. You guys have some great answers! I can&#039;t begin to top them!

  11. the fish burgar ain&#039;t got none

  12. I dont know, whats a BURGAR?

  13. I think in India they have a vegetarian menu. And in parts of Europe.

  14. they are around 6.00 for a meal.

  15. Um, I think one question mark would have sufficed. You must be 14 or something.

    Yes, McDonalds does sell vegetarian burgers, just not in the US. They are sold in India. They also sell more Indian fare as well. McDonalds tailors their menu to the prevailing culture.

  16. Go to and they have  menus :)

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