
Does Mccan vice president look like Tila fay?

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doesnt she




  1. She looks like a model I saw in a Hustler magazine posing as a School Teacher that kept Johnny after School to discipline him and when she let her hair down and took off the glasses she became a tigress and man she was smokin hot!

  2. No.  More like Tina Fey.

  3. She is attractive,but very smart and dedicated to serving her constituents.She has taken her position as governor serious,she has started to clean up the corruption in Alaska .

  4. Nice spelling

    McPalin 08

  5. Yes she does look like Tina Fey.

    Lemon for vice prez!

  6. Absolutely, and she talks like her too.

  7. Palin is better looking than TINA FEY.

  8. I don't know but she looks to much as a woman trying too hard to look like a business woman..   The hair the suit and those glasses hahaha...  I can't help but laugh at her.. she looks ridiculous..  Kind of like a female police officer and how they just look like they don't belong.

  9. She looks like a s**y lbrian to me. But I must admit, after hearing her talk yesterday she has accomplished more as a gov. iin 1 1/2 years then obama did as senator for 3 years.  

  10. Yes, she does

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