
Does Mexico's location, climate, topography and natural resources make dairy products a suitable to export?

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Does Mexico's location, climate, topography and natural resources make dairy products a suitable to export?




  1. believe it or not millions of mexicans consume mexican dairy products everyday and are able to survive. however their standards are much lower than the US. their climate is hot to tropical, making it a breeding ground for diseases and bacteria - for unrefrigerated dairy products. thats if a truck looses power for 30min. where as if the same truck did in a colder climate it would not affect the products.

    given this mexico is a major dairy product exporter and importer, even to the US. actually it can be a go between for international trade such that if politics US temporarily bans beef from australia, australia may ship it to mexico and then mexico will ship it to the US... as for topography, well there are two oceans and centrally located, with cheap means of transportation = good business.

  2. Mexico has a very diverse country in terms of climate and topography. It varies from the desert and mountains to tropical jungles. The should be able to raise just about anything. Mexico also has huge reserves of natural resources like gas and oil. Also have many sea ports on both coasts. They have a great workforce that could compete with anyone.

    Mexico has everything to be a major world competitor. To bad they don't have a culture and a government that can get rid of corruption and create a middle class, so they can move out of a third world status. The wealthy families and drug lords like it just like it is.

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