
Does Mexico belong to the USA?

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Does Mexico belong to the USA?




  1. Yep.

  2. Hum.....Are you a elementary school drop out? No! Duh! But we might as well be a part of Mexico.

  3. part of the USA used to belong to Mexico

    so no

  4. did you go to school?  did you have a class on american history?  why did you sleep through it?

    mexico is a sovereign nation.

  5. It could if the USA wanted it to

  6. Hello! The answer to your question is


    Thanks for asking!

  7. Not yet but it will soon. As soon as they cram the North American Union down our throats. Then we can pay for everything for everybody in Mexico.

  8. Mexico is an autonomous, independent nation, so "No."

  9. yes, it does. the big wall is for practicing leap-frog over. :-)

  10. No.

  11. Have you even heard of the immigration debate? Why would immigration be an issue if we controlled Mexico? Dear god, think a little before asking something like this.

  12. on the contrary. dont you know your history?? the whole west side of the U.S used to belong to mexico.(which was owned by spain). ever wondered why all the names in the west are in spanish??? but if we think that way all of america should belong to spain and maybe we whould give britain back almost all of the world or maybe give italy(romans) the roman empire back. on second thought maybe we should just leave the world the way it is.

  13. haha are you freakin' kiddin me? NO, Mexico doesn't belong to the USA, but maybe it should.

  14. If it did...why would they all be hopping the border to get in the US?

  15. Your kidding, right?

  16. no, it doesn't.

  17. In 1848 the USA defeated Mexico, in about 3 hours, Looked around, then gave it back to them, minus the northern section per the treaty of Hidalgo.

  18. LMAO now that made me spit my drink out...hahahahahaha...

    NO is the answer ...hahahah

    Although sometimes depending on where you live you would think your in Mexico. HA!

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