
Does Michael's the arts and crafts store drug test?

by  |  earlier

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I might get a job there, and i was just wondering.




  1. yea

  2. They would probably tell you.

    Pre-employment- no.

    Like if you got hurt on the job and was filling work-man comp. - yes, probably.

  3. Yes!

  4. Yes , a random drug test could be given at any time ;)))

  5. If they can always buy some weird looking contraption and get your brother (or whoever) to pee for you....:P

  6. hi i have worked for michaels for 8 yrs now i have never had to take a drug test but it is possible other states are different what state are you applying in?

  7. if you think your potential job might drug test stop smoking immediatly! drink lots and lots of water & cranberry juice. you can beat a swab test or a urine test in 1 week if you do this. And FYI most places give you the drug test in the interview.

  8. Michael's does not store drug testing in their stores, but they might require a new employee to go for drug testing. Most all new jobs require any new employee to go through a drug test.

  9. Probably.  They might have you sign some kind of waiver or form just stating that you are aware they may do random drug tests at any time.  I think every company reserves the right to drug test any employee.  Whether or not they'll actually request it is more uncertain.

    Good luck!

  10. Probably.  Just about every place drug tests.  At least you won't have to take that stupid test like they give you at Wally World (Wal-Mart).

  11. the actual question is "why/are you on drugs?" and i think they do it ust abt everywhere nowadays.

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