
Does Michael Jackson have a disease?

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Now I think Michael Jackson was a gorgeous black man, and since he started plastic surgery in the early 80s has become disgustingly ugly. But what is with the color change of the skin? I know there is a reporter who is black and losing the pigment in his skin, but it's gradual and patchy. Michael just seem to fade like a bright fuschia throw pillow left in direct sunlight.

Does anyone really know what happened here?

Why would he cut himself up so much?

He almost looks like a woman!




  1. Great question!!!!  but it seems like no one really knows!!!  It kinda seems like he bleached himself... One day he is black and the next he is white

  2. He had his skin bleached. I think you can take tablets to do it...either that or some wacky technological lazer thing.

    Why are you asking anyway? EVERYONE knows that he suffers a rare skin condition which makes you wake up in the morning a completely different colour you went to sleep in. And that's a fact ;)


  3. He has vitiligo and underwent depigmentation to make his skin one tone  

  4. I dont think he's got a skin disease, but i do think he has a mental one!

    Someone who wants to change their appearance to such lengths obviously has issues

  5. yes he has a skin disese that bleached in skin white. he was black.

  6. He did not bleached himself he has a skin disease.that is the reason that he always has the glove on.

    no idea why he would cut himself

  7. Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave the man alone!!!! What is your problem ppl???? Jesus!!! The man doesn't bother anyone.. he just lives his life and you all keep critisising him!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!

    He has vitiligo! He had some noise jobs!! Ya.. it's HIS decision!!! Stop talking about him... just get a life!

    I didn't hear 1 good word from all of u since I joined! Goood... you are so annoying! You only talk about his skin and nose and call him a molestor.. which IS NOT true.. He is innocent!!!

    The man is really sick.. he has a skin cancer and you all are so mean... I feel sorry 4 him! Give him a break!

  8. I think he's just a crazy ********.

  9. He has Vitologo it is when the skin looses is color.  

  10. Vitiligo

    Vitiligo is a skin condition whose exact cause is unknown. In vitiligo, patches of skin lose their pigmentation when the pigment producing cells, the 'melanocytes' are attacked and destroyed. It may affect the skin, mucous membranes, eyes, inner ear or hairs leaving white patches. The usual type of vitiligo is called 'Vitiligo Vulgaris' (means: common vitiligo). Variant types include linear, segmental, trichrome and inflammatory vitiligo

  11. He has vitologo(sp?);  it's a disease in which the pigment of your skin becomes lighter and lighter; also, people with this disease are extremely sensitive to sunlight.  That's why he always carries an umbrella.

    He did have plastic surgery on his nose because he didn't want to look like his abusive father Joe Jackson.

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