
Does Michael Phelps take steroids...? HONEST answer please...?

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Does Michael Phelps take steroids...? HONEST answer please...?




  1. Depends if it's the cream or the clear. Undetectable. BALCO is still in business, it seems.

  2. No! why can't people just except that he's a d**n good swimmer! and just in case you doubt it look at his daily schedual at least once a day drug testings besides if he was going to load up where could he find the time he's always doing something in front of the camera that follow him around.  

  3. No look at him, he's tiny for a swimmer, 6'3'' ( i think), not even 200 pounds, he's just a good swimmer! The drug tests will prove!

  4. if he is on anything it would not be roids.

    he might have an extra lung though lol

  5. its possible, I mean i have seen the way he swims.

    i have neveer seen a a swimmer swim that well,sometimes I think that 2.

    All I know is that I'm tired of seeing him EVERYWHERE on ESPN  

  6. he can keep his gold medal for 4 years, after than news will emerge that he doped and drugged his way tru this year. and will get strip of his medal, but who cares, 4 years of ads $ will fill him enough

  7. I guess so but cannot judge a book by its cover, he might take, who knows? but it's gotta have a proof for that. cannot go judging others. if he uses, that's his problem!!

  8. There is not a snowball's chance in h**l that he's on steroids.  He's tested very often.

  9. Due to recent scandals in many major sports, the olympic athletes are tested almost daily.  The guy is just a phenomenal athlete.  The best athletes in their respective fields will always be questioned though guess it just comes with the territory thanks to idiots like Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds.

  10. NO, he is ridiculously successful for other reasons..

    the only advantage he has on most other swimmers is a ridiculously long wingspan (6'7)

  11. Possible, but until proven, h**l no..

  12. It is possible but probably not.

    hes just one of those phenoms

    and the person who answered this question 2nd your wrong yes he is 6'3 and he IS 200 lbs. and that is NOT small for an olympic swimmer.

  13. i think he does,but he finds a way to get away with it.  

  14. He almost get tested everyday so I say no.

  15. He's probably taking some sort of drugs and obviously has professionals helping him hide them from the drug test results.

  16. I see where they posted his daily schedule in Beijing and he has to take doping/drug tests almost everyday.  

  17. obviously not the olympics are the most drug tested games ever.  They get tested before the games and during the games.  He trains every day you do that and tell me how big you get.   Every day for YEARS!!!!  That guy has worked hard for his dominance

  18. No.

    I hope everyone sees this so that this question will stop being asked 20 times a day.

  19. how would anybody know this answer????

  20. I really really hope he's not on Juice but if he is it's not Steroids, it would have to be something new that the drug agencies cant detect yet.

    Its so sad when someone is so successful then turns out to have been cheating but you don't find out until years later.

    Like Marion Jones or Flo Jo.

  21. no hes small he doesn't have very big muscles and if he took roids he would have huge muscles and anyway he wouldn't be swimming if he took roids because they make him take drug tests

  22. I am pretty sure that he's using SOMETHING. Time will reveal it all.

  23. What makes you think we know?

    I doubt it

  24. Booger has the best answer.  How are we supposed to know?  

    Probably not, but anything is possible.  

    Supports will say no.

    Doubters will say yes.

  25. nope he does not. he goes through testing everyday, and he goes through more extensive testing than any other athlete. and from my professional opinion he does not appear to have any physical signs that would indicate steroid use. he works very hard, every day, 365 days of the year to get him to the point of where he is now.

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