
Does Michelle Obama's face scare the hebegeebies out of anyone else?

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YES, please let's play the race card. World War 2, that must be it.





  1. It took me a while to figure out what bothered me about her appearance.  It's her upper jaw.  It looks as though perhaps she had some facial cranial work done.  Perhaps she had a birth defect.  The teeth are perfectly formed and bright white, so that is obviously professional work.  Perhaps they are linked.  Her children are beautiful. and they do look like a happy mom and kids.  Unfortunately, I believe Obama is being set up to be a "Patsy" of sorts.  The House and Senate are both Democrat majority at this time.  Putting an extremely inexperienced man as Democrat President offers the House and  Senate the perfect "Leader" to act as a puppet for their every whim.  I am really concerned about where we will be in 4 years should Obama be seated.  Remember this.  Those of us with health insurance through our employers already PAY for our Health Insurance.  If we Socialize it, we will also be paying for everyone else's Health Insurance and not have the luxury of the access we now enjoy.  Once the Government gets to be in charge of something....they don't give it back.

  2. Her mouth does.

  3. No. What scares the h**l out of me is that while she was onstage, there was an attempt by a 28 year old man with high-powered rifles(2), ammo and a bulletproof vest to assassinate Barack Obama and the U.S. media there hasn't broken the story yet! The name I saw on the German news agency at was 'Tharin Gartrell'. Anybody else heard anything?

  4. Nope, I find her quite pleasant-looking.

  5. No the one that really scares me is Cindy McCain.

  6. I think you're just being mean. I mean do you really jump and have to run out of the room when you see her? Really, I think you just don't like her.

  7. Both she and Condoleezza Rice, for women in their 40s, are most undoubtedly hot.

    Would you prefer Madelaine Albright? Janet Reno?

  8. why? cause she's black?  that sucks


    demon eyes, LMAO, thats funny, no her demon eyes don't scare me at all, and her 2 little girls look happy so that means she is a good mother too.  

    demon eyes, thanks for the extra laughter you brought to my life, that was great, and God Bless

  9. i agree with you.i can't pin it down but i saw it the 1st time i saw her.

  10. No, but Anaconda Rice does - and with good reason!

  11. She looks pretty normal. I'll have to say, Hillary's creeps me out, though...

  12. she is scared.

  13. maybe a new hair dresser

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