
Does Mike Huckabee joining FOX News give you another reason to not watch that channel?

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Does Mike Huckabee joining FOX News give you another reason to not watch that channel?




  1. I love Fox News! It is the only channel I watch besides The History Channel.

    Top 3 favorite shows:

    1. The O'Reilly Factor

    2. Fox and Friends (weekdays)

    3. Red Eye

  2. I'm a fox fan from Arkansas...I can tell you Mike Huckabee was a very good Governor...

    always nosnod

  3. No, I like Huckabee.

  4. It certainly would, if I watched it in the first place. I'm in Australia and we get Fox on satellite, but there is no way I'd watch such a shamelessly biased far right-wing channel. Our local version of Sky News (also owned by Murdoch) is bad enough!

    BBC World for me. At least it's generally fair, gives great coverage of world news and is politically unbiased.

  5. He is another great addition to this wonderful channel which is watched by more people than all the other channels combined !


  7. Yep, that pretty much means I'll assume Fox news is even more biased than it already was.

    Then again, it could be great for all the people who use Fox news for comedy material.  I still won't watch it, but maybe some great laughs could come out of Huckabee joining the Fox team.

  8. Yes, I think Mike Huckabeei s just what fox needs, and they can drop Bob Beckel anytime they want, He so smart mouth, I liked  they dropped that old Liberal Judge,And I wish Alan Combs would get lost.sometimes. and he can't answer a question anymore  if his first response is  not"Bush did" the man drives me crazy.  So yes, hurry up Huckabee, we need you.

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