
Does Mirena sound right for me?

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After having my daughter 2 years ago, I used the Nuvaring. I only used it for 3 months and had horrible side effects. I gained a lot of weight, was severly depressed, felt sick to my stomach all the time. It was not right so I removed it and just gave up on birth controls for me.

Now I'm considering Mirena and I'm wondering if it's going to have such harsh side effects like the ring did. I've did all the research, and now I'm just trying to make up my mind about it before my next GYN apt.




  1. The best person to ask is your gynecologist. There is alot to take into consideration before using it.  For example, age:high blood pressure:are you a smoker&family history, just to mention a few. So at your next appt you need to ask the doctor what would be best for you. The doctor should be able to determine if Mirena is right for you and you should be able to walk out the door with a prescription for it. If not, there are millions of options as far as birth control, so don't give up and end up with something(or someone) you don't want!

  2. Your doctor can offer much more sound medical advice than we can.

    Be aware though that if you DO decide to have it inserted, you'll have to go back and have it removed again should you experience adverse side effects.

    May I suggest that before you go the semi-permanent route of an IUD, that you try a few different formulations of pills.  The Ring -- just like any hormonal contracpetive -- is not for everyone because the chemicals may not react with your personal chemistry well.  By trying a few different pills, you may find one that works well for you with minimal problems.

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