
Does Mite off by Zoo Med work?

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my Red tail boa recently had mites I managed to rid her of them and would now like to protect against a re-infestation. Has anybody used Mite Off by Zoo Med, and if so how effective is it? any replies would be greatly appreciated




  1. yes it works

  2. it works perfectly for me and i recommend it badly

  3. yes thats what its for

  4. Yes it worked well for my cousins snake (I was caring for it).

    As long as you keep the tank clean (But it seems that you keep it outside... am i right??) anyway its a great product and its safe.

  5. Yes, it works really well. I used it on my russian tortoise, and they were off within an hour with just the mite-off alone. It works way better than the powder kind, ( the spray does) which I used on my ball python a few years ago. It's also almost totally natural, so it's fine for them to drink or get in their eyes.

  6. i would recommend a product called provent-a-mite

    it works wonders and better then zoo med

    this site is great

  7. Provent a mite is one of the best products out there just follow the instructions.

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