
Does Mohammed Al fayed's wealth allow him to insult people.?

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I sympathise with a fathers grief at the loss of his son but If Mohammed Al Fayed were not so very rich would he be allowed to insult the Royal family by calling them the Dracula family and Camilla by calling her a crocodile?




  1. Absolutely not. What happened to his son and Diana was a fatality. He has no right to offend the Royal Family,specially because he lives in British land, earns his money here and thanks to England he's a wealth man.

    Somebody should shut him up NOW.

  2. no but anger would when he thinks the royals are resposible for his sons death.still he should keep those comments out of the media and let them be his own in private

  3. This is a sad fact of life today:  the rich may do as they please.  There are no rules or laws for the wealthy.

  4. He must believe that it does, because he's certainly been insulting quite a few lately.

    best of luck to you!

  5. rich or poor he is lashing out at them for his son death and their possillble involment in it .

  6. It's still my belief that Diana was murdered and I expressly support Mohammed Al-Fayed. He can says what he wants- what are they going to do? Kill him in a car crash?

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