
Does Monavie work? Anyone in the business?

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Just lookin for some thoughts and answers about the fruit juice Monavie? Heard lots about it... Does this Juice work?....I also hear theres some good money to be made selling it is it true?




  1. The juice has some health benefits. Some claim in does miracles. Many of the miraculous claims come from the distributors who promote the product. Money and even good money can be made in this form of business when done correctly. Often times success comes for very few. It is very important to study marketing skills that are not taught by the companies in MLM/Network Marketing. I market a nutritional product that relates to MonaVie. I can tell you that I have had far better results using target market tactics then any warm market tactics I was preached by the company.

    Best Regards!

  2. Both the product and the company are very simple. The product is a juice made from 19 fruits – primarily the açai berry which is known as one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Monavie is not a drug, not a medicine, and not a miracle cure. It is simply a highly nutritious fruit juice. Many people who drink the juice find that they gain health benefits from it such as improved sleep, increased energy levels, lowered blood pressure, decreased joint pain, and so on. The reason for this is quite often that people simply are not getting enough nutrition in their diets. The human body is highly skilled at healing itself – e.g. when you cut yourself the body mends the cut and in time the injury disappears. Increasing your nutrition levels increase the body’s ability to heal itself. In this sense Monavie is an awesome product.

    As a business the company is doing extremely well. The reason for this is quite simple – the product is the basis for growing your business and people need nutrition. The compensation plan for Monavie is extremely encouraging as it rewards you for working hard. You do not need to invest heavily, nor give up your normal day job. It’s a low risk method to earn a supplementary income. It’s most definitely not a get rich quick scheme – but if you’re willing to put in the work you will see the results.

    If anyone wants any more information please let me know



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