
Does Mr. Obama have his special intern picked out ?

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So He can follow the Democratic tradition of the oval office ritual?




  1. Yes, Bristol Palin.

    Barack Hussein Obama is the real father of Bristol's baby.

  2. I beleive you are implying that Obama - and every other Democratic president - has or will have a sexual tryst with an intern.

    This is a nanny-nanny-boo-boo kind of attack, which is not really worth a response, but I will say this:

    I'd rather have a president that screws a different intern every single day than one that spies on and lies to his citizens, wages unjust wars, covers up illegal activities, and morgatges his country's wealth and freedom so he and his corporate cronies can make another $bilion.

  3. Doesn't need to as he will not win.

    But if by some miracle he did win he better wach out.

    Michelle seems like she would be on his stuf a little more than Hillary was on bill.

    Hillary was too power mad herself to worry about that stuff.

  4. Actually, Eisenhower had a long time affair with Kay Summersby that lasted through his White House years. So I would think he and the Republicans started the modern day tradition.

  5. So He can follow the Democratic tradition of the oval office ritual?

    Just change it ti the: "Democratic tradition of the ORAL office ritual?."

  6. all i know is he didnt pick hillary cause he didnt want Bill Clinton anywhere around his smoken wife,dont matter any way MaCains going to win

  7. When Clinton lied, no one died.

  8. she is hidden under a Nation of Islam veil!

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