
Does My 5yr old have a learning disability ?

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My 5yr old doesn't seem to remember words she has learned a day before.Help me Please!!




  1. No problem. You need to repeat them frequently.

  2. Too early to tell.  There could be a million things going on right now that would cause that other than a learning disability.  Is she sleeping enough, eating right, major life event (baby, divorce, moving, new school), not ready to read?  There are some schools of thought (like the Waldorf schools) that don't think kids are ready to read until age 7.  I wouldn't freak out yet.  If she is a little below average now, just keep an eye on it.  It takes some kids a whole bunch of times before they remember concepts.

  3. It is really too early to tell if she has a learning disability or not. Children at this age learn at varying rates.

    If you truly feel there is a problem, remember you are your child's best advocate to get her what she needs.

  4. I would out rule any kind of hearing problem. If her hearing is fine then don't worry, she may be a visual learner or a kinesthetic learner...maybe the way she is being taught doesn't match her learning style. Another thing to consider is that she may be in a "sensitive period" for math or a different subject from linguistics. According to Maria Montessori (famous Dr. and educator from Italy in the 1900's) children go through various sensitive periods where they gravitate to a certain discipline (math, reading etc.). I wouldn't worry about it, just keep reinforcing what she has been introduced to and do it in a variety of have her write the word in shaving cream, make it out of play dough, write it of course, paint it, put the letters on index cards and have her carry them across the room and put them in the correct order. Make learning fun!

    Good luck.

  5. Most people are against this and so was i but the doctor explained it to be a whole different way ADHD is not a thing you need to go without treatment! It doen't matter if she's not hyper he probably has trouble staying focused on one thing. the med will make him pay attention and stay on track sorta like his mind wonders of and she's in la la land. i'm not saying that's what it is but you can have her evaluated by the doc and the teacher hope this helps!

  6. The best solution would be to have her tested either at school or at an outside facility.  There are a lot of places that can help, not knowing the child makes it very hard to evaluate her over the internet. Talk to some professionals!

  7. It might be a good idea to schedule a conference with your child's kindergarten teacher if nothing more than to relieve your mind. Do you mean that she does not know the meaning of the word or she does not recognize it in print?  She may not ,developmentally , be at the point where she is ready to read yet,  if this is to what you are refering. Children progress at different levels. I would not be overly concerned at this point, but I would consult the teacher to see if she is behind the other students.  This could relieve your mind and take the pressure off  your child.

  8. She is probably distracted and doesnt really care to learn them. If her previous vocabulary worked for her to get the things she needs then she doesnt need anything else. Try to encourage her to learn things and apply them. You can do this through games. I wouldnt worry about it right now, keep her away from tv though until she is 6, it has been proven to increase chance of getting ADD by a lot. :)

    ps. its great you are aware, most parents feel that their child is perfect and therefore does not seek the support that they need to succeed in life.

  9. It's all in repition,

  10. research shows that a child needs to be exposed to a word 10-15 times before they really learn it.  repetition is the key.  instead of 'quizzing' them about words they learned the day before, remind them of the word and what it means in natural conversation.  and then you try to use that word as much as possible.  Try a word a week, or a few words a week and use them LOTS.  also, read read to your the same book over and love repetition and it's how they learn.

  11. She is only 5 don't have too much pressure on her.

    If in doubt always seek professional advise. Remember the early you intervene in possible problems, the easier it is to help them.

  12. You'll have to talk to a professional at her school. No one can help you here, not knowing her, or being special ed teachers.

  13. all children are different and learn different things at different ages, may be that he/she's just not interested right now

  14. I completely agree with sundropsuzy's response. If she continues to have difficulties by 2nd grade, request an SST meeting at her school (if they have this) or request a full psychoeducational evaluation to assess her needs.

  15. What do you mean by 'learning words'? Are you making her memorize random vocabulary?

    Children learn what they use. A child of five years of age probably will not use words that they don't need or don't find fun to say. She'll learn them when she's older and needs them.

  16. My 7 year old doesn't remember what she learned 5 minutes ago are just kids if she is getting good marks and the teacher thinks she is "normal" I would not worry about it..If you are worried talk to her teacher and maybe the school speech teacher they can give you some great

  17. You should probably talk to her teacher or seek a professional opinion. An assesment by a professional would bring a far better idea of your childs ability/disability. Someone evalutaing her is the BEST course of action, and if you talk to her teacher or a school counsellor, you may be able to get this assesment for free. This would be the best advice I could give you, also I would like to say that if you suspect something is wrong, get it checked out NOW, the earlier the better.

    Good luck!

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